Ease Anxiety, Build Confidence & Lose Weight in just 15 minutes a day

In just 15 minutes a day, by listening to one of my specially crafted self-hypnosis MP3s, you can experience profound and lasting change.

Below you can see my collection of unique hypno meditations, read testimonials from other heart-centred business owners who have used them, and you can start straight away to move on from anxiety, poor confidence and weight issues.

Just choose one, listen once a day for a month, and see where that takes you.


Weight loss hypnotherapy: Gentle suggestions will just wash over you and can change long-term the way you relate to food, allowing the weight to just ease off of you. Listen every day for a month, though not while driving or operating machinery, of course. and see where that takes you.

Price: £27.99

Read testimonials before you download your self-hypnosis track.


Ease your anxiety with hypnotherapy: A perfectly-crafted guided meditation using gentle suggestions to help you leave behind anxious thoughts and worries. Listen every day for a month, though not while driving or operating machinery, of course. and see where that takes you.

Price: £27.99

Read testimonials before you download your self-hypnosis track.


Build your confidence with hypnotherapy: The transforming power of  carefully placed suggestions can help you to leave behind insecurities and feel so much better about yourself. Listen every day for a month, though not while driving or operating machinery, of course. and see where that takes you.

Price: £27.99

Read testimonials before you download your self-hypnosis track.


Virtual gastric band hypnotherapy: If you listen to this MP3 for a month, you can expect to improve your eating habits, with smaller portions and healthier food choices, and you’re likely to lose weight (up to 7lbs) or inches (1″ off your chest and/or waist). You’ll feel full sooner, you’ll end up more motivated to engage in physical activities and you’ll take care of yourself better. This is potent stuff!

Listen every day for a month, though not while driving or operating machinery, of course. and see where that takes you.

Price: £37.99

Read testimonials before you download your self-hypnosis track.